The Festival Programme is out! We have two events at the Festival this year and there are still tickets left for The Bo Nanafana Take Over at Norwich Arts Centre’s brilliant Live Art Club starring The Apples a nine-piece band hailing from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa.
There’s drums, bass and horns all held together by turntablists DJ Todres and Schoolmaster with Mixmonster to mix it all up some more. They’re spontaneous, funky and noisy. Known for their breakout reinterpretation of Killing in The Name but there’s so much more to them.
With DJs, surprises and Hunt and Darton Cafe taking you up to 2am for just £13 – follow the link to buy your tickets quick.
Bitter sweet is the news that we have sold out our opening Spiegel-Late Show in just a day and a half! BoJangles! is on Friday 16 May in The Festival Spiegeltent.
For those of you have been lucky enough to get tickets, this night stars Oxford’s naughty Jump-Steady boys The Original Rabbitfoot Spasm Band who play original music inspired by the golden age of jazz and blues.
You’ll hear plenty of brass, guitar, rhythm and pounding piano – all performed with the freeloading spirit of a Margate Mardi Gras. Click to hear where the name comes from but, in short “our name really means we have a complete obsession with old jazz and blues records, Bessie Smith, assassination, and making an unholy racket with kazoos!”
“Noisy and raucous and dangerously sexy jazz” … BBC Radio 6
With The Shellac DJs, Swing City Dance Class and the usual wonky surprises we’ll see you in the Spiegeltent.
Dress Fancy: Vintage or Mardi Gras