Bojangles at the Spiegeltent

Bitter sweet is the news that we have sold out our opening Spiegel-Late Show in just a day and a half! BoJangles! is on Friday 16 May in The Festival Spiegeltent.
For those of you have been lucky enough to get tickets, this night stars Oxford’s naughty Jump-Steady boys The Original Rabbitfoot Spasm Band who play original music inspired by the golden age of jazz and blues.
You’ll hear plenty of brass, guitar, rhythm and pounding piano – all performed with the freeloading spirit of a Margate Mardi Gras. Click to hear where the name comes from but, in short “our name really means we have a complete obsession with old jazz and blues records, Bessie Smith, assassination, and making an unholy racket with kazoos!”
“Noisy and raucous and dangerously sexy jazz” … BBC Radio 6
With The Shellac DJs, Swing City Dance Class and the usual wonky surprises we’ll see you in the Spiegeltent.
Dress Fancy: Vintage or Mardi Gras